So, who are we? For starters, we are recent graduates of Boston University where we endured 4 years (well, in Amanda's case--roughly 3 years) of torture on the women's rowing team. The only reason we are going on this trip is to prolong our entrance into the "real world" where we will have to get jobs and pay bills and all the other wonderful things that come with a college degree. So, instead we are working our butts off all summer (scratch that, Amanda is working her butt off all summer) in order to blow every cent that we have to see some new places. We'll worry about post graduation plans when we come back, right? Sorry Mom and Dad. In all honestly, we both really want to do this trip and figure this is the best time to do it--before we become rich, important professional someones who can't just take a year off to waltz around the world. Since Jess doesn't make any decisions more than a month in advance (a true arould-the-world trip planning hazard) she is not really sure what she wants to do when she comes back but it will definitely involve people (psychology) since she can't be alone for more than 10 minutes at a time (usually to shower). Amanda is considering opening a tea shop on Long Island with her mom when she returns (call up her mom she will make you some tasty scones) or going to law school--or both. We'll see.
As far as travel experience, we both have previously visited Europe--but nothing as extended as we are planning for this trip. Here are the short lists that will soon become a bit longer: Amanda--England, Germany, Czech, Ireland, Scotland, and Greece. Jess--France, England, Ireland, Mexico, and Switzerland. If you are counting we have both been to Canada and Amanda has been to Disney World where she has walked the whole world in about an hour.
In order to save up the cash for this grand adventure Jess has been pedicabbing around Boston and Amanda has been serving up some steak waitressing at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse. In case you don't know what pedicabbing is, Jess basically taxis people around the city, but in a bike. Having such a nice backside really helps out the tips.
If you want to send gifts but aren't sure what to send, Jess really likes Werther's chewy caramels and Amanda enjoys peanut butter m&m's. But, since candy doesn't hold well in the mail--cold hard cash will always suffice. Please keep in contact with us while we are away by commenting at the end of our journal entries or by sending an or We look forward to hearing from you and thanks for reading!